When it comes to games I am all in. If I attend a party, no matter the age of the attendees I expect that there are games to be had. And if not, I’ll force people to play one with me as I am not one for boring dinner parties. Haha

So I have searched the internet looking for the best bridal party games that your guests will absolutely love so you don’t have to. 😉

#1 Put a ring on it

Starting with a simple classic, each guest as they arrive receives a beautiful cheap plastic ring (super classy of course). The aim of the game is to be the person with the most rings at the end of the night. To steal someone else’s ring they must say the no no words e.g. ‘wedding’ or ‘bride’ and if you catch them on it you steal one of their rings.

#2 Minute to win it games

You remember the show right? A player is given a simple task to do and must complete it within 1 minute. I absolutely loved this show and it’s super fun to play. Just YouTube the show to search for hilarious games to play. I’ve found 4 that will be sure to get your guests roaring with laughter.

Either print out the below instructions or at the party play the instructional YouTube video.

> Separation Anxiety

A standard pack of m&ms contains approximately 50 individual candies they come in a variety of colours including red, orange, yellow, green and my favourite blue.

In this challenge using one hand the contestants will use speed, focus and organisation to separate and redistribute them in order by colour into individual containers. First contestant to complete the challenge will earn a point for their team. ~ Minute to Win It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmvK5yMsPzg

> This Blows

The sound of a rapidly deflating balloon is amusing and rather embarrassing. In this challenge the contestants must blow up a balloon and then use its escaping air to knock down plastic cups. This must be repeated until 15 cups have been blown completely off the table.

First contestant to complete the challenge will earn a point for their team. ~ Minute to Win It  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd6aV2DAs1Q

> Face the Cookie

The human face is composed of many muscles with 2 large groups that help make a smile or a frown. In this challenge the contestants must move a cookie from their forehead to their mouth using only their facial muscles. If a cookie drops the contestant may reset another cookie on their forehead and try again.

First contestant to complete the challenge will earn a point for their team. ~ Minute to Win It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwn4kfeRfpg

>  Elephant March

In this challenge 8 unopened bottles are placed in parallel rows 8 feet apart. The contestants must wear a standard pair of panty hose over their head with a tennis ball placed inside the end of one leg. The contestant must swing their trunk back and forth using its momentum to knock down all 8 bottles.

First contestant to complete the challenge will earn a point for their team. ~ Minute to Win It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zycg87fmLvM

#3 Say Yes to the Dress

I think you might know where this is headed haha. Teams are given toilet paper to create a beautiful TP wedding dress. Have a little fun with it and create a runway where the team members present their gown to be judged by the bride.

Photo Credit: https://thehenplanner.com

#4 Desperate Housewives

This is a charades like game where on index cards you write down the names of celebrity husbands. E.g. Ryan Reynolds, Kayne West. Teams have 1 minute each to select a card and then act out in charade form the wife of their selected cards. Repeat until your minute is over.

#5 Guess who said it

Get the couple to write down (prior to the party) certain phrases each other have said. The crazier the better. Guests are then asked to choose which of them said it. You could either have print outs or have paddles with their names on either side.

#6 Brides Against Showers

So you’ve played Cards Against Humanity right? Duh of course you have! 😉 This is just like that only it’s a wedding version. Brilliant. You can either go online and purchase a pack or DIY it and create your own cards.

#7 Bridal Jeopardy

Create your own fun game show board. You know how to play. Under each category are numbered envelopes the higher the number the harder the question. You could have some real fun with this!

Other printable games you may like

  • Guess the Disney song
  • Bridal bingo
  • Who knows the bride best
  • What’s on your phone
  • Does the bride really know the groom

Happy planning / gaming … and may the odds be ever in your favour. 😉

Happy planning, Janette xx

Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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