
  • How to be Organised on Your Wedding Day

    So, you ask me whether it is possible to be cool, calm and collected on your wedding day. And I say YES! IT. IS. POSSIBLE. And how that is possible is by being incredibly organised and it’s not as hard as you think. Follow by tips below to be the coolest cucumber bride ever.

    # 1 Have a point of contact person

    This is a person that if anything happens or if there’s a question needed to be asked by a vendor or guest they would go ask this person instead of yourself or your partner. Couples would generally have a parent or close friend as their point of contact.  There’s no need for you or your partner to be stressing out for very minor details whilst getting ready for the big day.

    By having a point of contact reduces the risk of a meltdown immensely!

    # 2 Wedding day binder

    Now this doesn’t have to be fancy or anything. All you need is a basic folder that contains every aspect of your wedding such as an itinerary, event schedule, vendors service and contact details, bridal party contact details, and any other information you think would be relevant. I suggest making a couple of these folders, keep one with your bridal party, another with your partners bridal party, another for your point of contact and anyone else that you think would benefit from this information. Your wedding planner or coordinator will generally have all these handouts done up for you all you have to do is print them out.

    # 3 Hire a wedding planner or an on the day coordinator

    If organisation isn’t your forte or you and your partner are very busy people and don’t have a lot of time perhaps look into hiring a wedding planner or an on the day coordinator.

    Hiring a wedding planner is a fantastic way to ensure you don’t have to lift a finger and can concentrate on the important things rather than stressing about organising an entire wedding by yourself.

    If you love planning or really want to give it your all and do it yourself that’s amazing, go you!!! But unfortunately, on the day you can’t be in 2 places at once … annoying I know. By hiring an on the day coordinator, they will be able to oversee all the details and seamlessly bring all your hard work together whilst you and your partner get ready for the big day. This can save you so much hassle.

    # 4 Have a last minute wedding day checklist

    Use a last minute checklist to make sure you have not forgotten anything and by ticking off each item gives you a little reassurance that everything is completed and all set and ready to go for your big day! Download our FREE Last Minute Wedding Day Checklist below to get you started.

    Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    To download our Last Minute Wedding Day Checklist click the link below. Enjoy.



    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • 6 Tips For Getting Through Your First Bridal Expo

    Bridal expos are such a valuable source of inspiration when planning a wedding. It’s also an amazing way to meet fantastic wedding vendors in your area. Within a small span of time you could meet with any number of vendors to discuss what they do and how they can help you to create your day incredibly memorable.

    I recommend going to at least one expo. Meet with people. See if you click. It’s a lot easier choosing a vendor in person rather from their website or social pages.

    So, you’ve decided to go to an expo, you’ve rustled up your bridesmaids, partner or parents. You’re wanting to get as much out of this expo as possible and you’re not sure what to expect. Well you’ve come to the right place!!! Read my tips for getting through your first bridal expo and make it count!

    Bridal Expos mean business 😉


    Yes I know this boring and tedious but by creating a list of people you want to meet will save you time in the long run. Check out the vendors that will be attending the expo on the events website and take a note of anyone you find interesting and would like to know more about.


    Book or purchase your tickets online prior to the event. Most events provide discounts for those that book online! This is turn will save you so much time lining up and waiting to get in. Plus getting in first means you’ll have a greater chance at booking a vendor you want before someone else takes your date.


    Where something comfy and not constricting. It can be a long day and is probably not the best time to be wearing your heels. Trust me as exciting as it all is because when inside and you’re the bride everyone will treat you like a princess and will all want to talk to you … this can get tiring especially when carrying a million brochures, gift bags and samples. Wear your active wear because this is a marathon 😉


    Bring a pen and notebook with your notes from your research … this is also handy to jot down any notes when talking to vendors. Or if booking with them on the spot it’s a good idea to write down notes as well as taking a business card because let’s face it we forgot or loose things all the time.


    Create a specific wedding email address so that all your wedding information is in one place. This is such a great idea! It’s free to setup another email so why wouldn’t you. No need to sift through a million emails to find your wedding things. Make it cute like mrandmrsstafford@ or jenandstandswedding@ or weddingofthecentury@. Have fun with it.

    Sign up forms

    THIS WILL BE THE GREATEST THING YOU EVER DO!!! Print and cut out your details including *** Your name, Email, Phone number and wedding date. Most vendors will have draws and competitions instead of writing your details over and over and over just use these pre-filled out entry forms!!! GENIUS RIGHT!!!! If you only do one thing from my list of 6 make it this! This will save you hand and your sanity.

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • Recently engaged? What to include in your first wedding to-do list

    Once you have taken the time to really enjoy your engagement it’s time to start thinking about planning the big day.

    Pick a date / and extras

    First things first you need to pick a date. I suggest to my clients to choose a couple of days they would like should they have their hearts set on booking a particular venue they have a higher percent hit rate on the venues availability.

    Set a Budget

    Next is to set a budget. I know I know it’s super boring and tedious however without knowing how much you are willing to spend on certain aspects of your wedding as things can get quickly out of hand whilst court up in the moment.

    Research / Book a venue

    Lastly is to start researching where exactly you wish to hold your ceremony and reception. Once you both have decided and are happy with your decision it’s time to lock it in. Because without a venue booked in you can’t really start planning or hiring anything or anyone for that matter. Well you can but it can be disastrous if the available dates don’t line up and you just don’t need that sort of negativity in your life.


    Get inspired by flicking through wedding magazines, going to bridal expos, creating a pinterest wedding board and stalking vendors socials for some inspiration.

    Create a wedding planning binder

    Get yourself an awesome planner or binder that you can work out of by writing down all your tasks and information. Super handy to keep all your ideas and paperwork in one spot!

    If you’re not the stationery type I would recommend a wedding planning app or to-do list.

    Wedding Happy is my favourite wedding planning app (Free) as it provides you will detailed checklists, reminders, budget tracker and much much more.

    If you are wanting a simple to-do list that you can organise your wedding planning lists as well as your day to day tasks I would recommend Do! (Free) It has HEAPS of functions that you can add to your task such as: Colours, dates, times, set alarms, use ‘pins’ to prioritise your list and create groups.

    Think about hiring a wedding planner or coordinator

    Have a think about how much time you are prepared to spend on planning your wedding. If you’re like most people and have already full schedules look into hiring a wedding planner. They can plan as much or as little as you like! Also consider a coordinator (most wedding planners also provide this service) there’s nothing worse than stressing on your big day thinking whether the cake has arrived yet whilst you should be soaking in all the magic of the day.

    Create a wedding savings account

    This is a great way to keep track of savings as well as spendings. By doing this there’s no making errors when it comes to your day to day bills.

    Start drafting up a guest list / bridal party

    Start by writing down anyone that comes to mind. You can always refine the list later. This is just a draft so you can go a little crazy 😉

    Find balance

    Life is already pretty tough as it is between juggling work, relationships, ‘me’ time, diet, exercise, family and friends and then you throw in a wedding that completely throws out the balance which then results in a VERY stressed out bride to be!

    *When starting out just create small achievable goals to get the ball rolling. No need to freak out at the thought of it all. Start small and see how you go.

    *Get a good 8 hours sleep every night!!! This will allow your mind and body to recover from your super packed days of organising. Trust me you’ll feel HEAPS better about wedding planning after a good nights sleep.

    *Set aside specific chunks of time to do just your wedding planning. This will focus your mind to get your tasks done with no hassles. Sundays are the perfect day to gather your thoughts and make something of them!

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events


    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • Setting Realistic Wedding Planning Goals

    If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Quote: Benjamin Franklin

    Planning a wedding can be absolute chaos if not properly organised and planned out! UTTER CHOAS!

    By setting yourself goals throughout the planning process this will ease the stressing and hair pulling so that you may actually enjoy the wedding planning process.

    The first thing you want to do when setting your goals is to consider what it is exactly you both want out of your wedding. I know that may seem like a weird question because sure everyone wants their wedding to be ‘perfect’ or ‘awesome’ but what exactly is that for you.

    Would a perfect wedding be you not stressing on the day, would it mean amazing entertainment at the reception, or perhaps fantastic food that will have your guests talking about it for years to come??!!!

    Once you figure out the basics of what you both would like out of your wedding is when you can start creating your goals. YAY.

    WOO you have your wedding basics now let’s make some goals.

    The trick when creating goals is to position small achievable goals around 1 larger goal throughout the process. What I like to do is smash out my smaller tasks for the day then tackle the bigger one last. For me getting through the small tasks first makes me feel productive like I can do anything and it gets the ball rolling. Give this a go or maybe try working on the larger goal first then hitting up the smaller ones afterwards works better for you. Tell me in the comments below what suits you best.

    When creating goals a to-do list will be your best friend. This list should prioritise and organise what you need to do for the day/week/or month.

    To-Do Lists

    Get yourself an awesome planner or binder that you can work out of by writing down all your tasks and information. Super handy to keep all your ideas and paperwork in one spot!

    If you’re not the stationery type I would recommend a wedding planning app or to-do list.

    Wedding Happy is my favourite wedding planning app (Free) as it provides you will detailed checklists, reminders, budget tracker and much much more.

    If you are wanting a simple to-do list that you can organise your wedding planning lists as well as your day to day tasks I would recommend Do! (Free) It has HEAPS of functions that you can add to your task such as: Colours, dates, times, set alarms, use ‘pins’ to prioritise your list and create groups.


    When planning a wedding you can become completely and utterly overwhelmed by all of the checklists and to-do lists! It takes incredible organisational skills to keep on top of everything!

    So you’ve written down your goals for your wedding planning but how do you achieve them with a full busy life?!

    #1 – PRIORITSE!

    By organising / understanding which tasks should be completed first you will be less stressed about the whole situation. Nothing worse than having an important task sneak up on you.

    #2 – TIME

    Manage your time wisely!!! I know we all can become super distracted with life but by implementing some time management it will make those daunting tasks seem like nothing.


    Tell your bridesmaids or parents your goals and ask them to check in on how you are going with them. This will definitely get your butt into gear to get these tasks done.

    Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


    Sign up below to our mailing list!

    Don’t worry, we don’t spam. Unsubscribe at anytime. 🙂


  • 5 Tips For Brides Planning Their Own Wedding

    Follow my 5 tips to planning your own wedding to stay above all the stresses and craziness of all things wedding.

    1. Start Pinteresting

    Create a Pinterest account to collate different ideas and inspiration that you take a liking to. Organise into separate boards so it is easy to find/show someone your inspiration. E.g. Ceremony, Reception, Centrepieces, Bouquets etc.

    By creating these boards and looking back on them you can generally see a pattern in the certain aspects of a wedding that you love. Also it is easier to show your vendors pictures of your inspiration rather than trying to explain it. (Planners, Florists, Photographers, etc)

    2. Create a budget (and stick to it!)

    Weddings can be extremely expensive and can get seriously out of hand when you don’t keep to your budget!

    Firstly, work out how much you are willing to spend on your wedding. Secondly, can you afford it? Do you need a longer engagement to save the money, or are your parents chipping in? These questions need to be answered before you start planning your wedding.

    If other parties are willing to help pay, organise a chat with them regarding how much they are willing to pay. Or perhaps delegate certain aspects of the wedding each party can pay for. E.g. Reception catering, bar tab, etc.

    Once a plan of attack has been made create a budget spreadsheet and keep those (if any) helping pay for your wedding updated with expenses. This will avoid any surprise payments at the last minute.

    3. Create a master to-do list

    Create a master to-do list with timelines in when these tasks need to be completed. Keep adding you this list when vendor invoices have been received so you can add a ‘Due Date’ section to keep on top of bills.

    By creating an organised list can keep you on track when planning your wedding and if you stick to it your planning experience will be a lot less stressful.

    4. Get the bridal party involved

    Delegate tasks from your master to-do list to your bridesmaids. They are there to help and support you through this time. That’s why they said ‘Yes’ 😉

    Trust me, your girls want to help. Even if it’s just small tasks like picking up the dresses or shopping around to find bridal jewellery or shoes. This will make your life a lot easier … and honestly tell me who doesn’t love shopping!

    Another thing to try if you’re having a DIY wedding get your girls around one night for a girls night in and put together your centerpieces or invitations. These nights can be a lot of fun, make a day of it!

    5. Don’t wait until the last minute

    Please, please, please! Do not wait until the last minute to book/plan things. If you and your partner are wanting your wedding the way YOU want leaving it to the last minute will make it difficult to get the aspects and details of your wedding perfect.

    Most vendors are generally booked out a year in advanced especially in popular months (Autumn, Spring). So, if you are wanting a particular business to assist you with your special day you will need to meet and book asap. Under a short time frame, planning a wedding can be incredibly stressful and can put a dampener on the day.

    By following my 5 tips above you will be well on your way to planning to greatest day of your life. Just remember … Organisation = Perfect Wedding.

    Now you’re all set let’s get planning!!! YAY. Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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    Don’t worry, we don’t spam. Unsubscribe at anytime. 🙂


  • 20 Romantic First Dance Wedding Songs

    Let your guests witness the love you share for one another by selecting one of the below songs for your first dance as a married couple. I can promise you their will not be a dry eye in the room after these babies.

    1. Falling in love with you – Elvis Presley
    2. Everything I do, I do it for you – Bryan Adams
    3. Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
    4. Everything – Michael Buble
    5. Unforgettable – Nat King Cole
    6. When you say nothing at all – Ronan Keating
    7. You are so beautiful – Joe Cocket
    8. A thousand years – Christina Perri
    9. Just the way you are – Bruno Mars
    10. Stand by me – Ben E King
    11. Can’t take my eyes off of you – Frankie Valli
    12. How would you feel – Ed Sheeran
    13. Make you feel my love – Adele
    14. All of me – John Legend
    15. Amazed – Lonestar
    16. I don’t wanna miss a thing – Aerosmith
    17. Marry you – Bruno Mars
    18. Mirrors – Justin Timberlake
    19. Thinking out loud – Ed Sheeran
    20. You’re beautiful – James Blunt

    What’s your song going to be??? Just remember what ever songs you choose it’s completely up to you! Don’t feel that you must have these songs at your wedding. These are just popular songs that others have previously loved. Just do you. 🙂 

    Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events 

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


    Sign up below to our mailing list!

    Don’t worry, we don’t spam. Unsubscribe at anytime. 🙂 


  • Top 10 Questions to ask a Potential Celebrant

      When choosing your wedding vendors you want to be sure you really ‘connect’ with them and that you’re all on the same page when it comes to the role they will be playing on your big day.

    This is particularly important when it comes to choosing a Celebrant.                                

    Your ceremony should be thoroughly enjoyable, for both of you and all your guests. In the same way, the DJ or band entertains the crowd and helps create a rocking vibe at your reception, the Celebrant is pivotal in creating the atmosphere at your ceremony and setting the tone for the rest of the day.

    The good news is there really is a Celebrant to suit every kind of wedding, personality and style. Finding the perfect Celebrant for you and your partner is invaluable so we’ve put together our top ten ‘must ask’ questions to use in the search for your perfect Celebrant.

    If you are tempted to shop on price when it comes to choosing a Celebrant, the good news is you are likely only looking at a few hundred dollars difference between a new inexperienced Celebrant that is still learning and ‘finding their feet’ and a highly experienced Celebrant with a wealth of knowledge, expertise and ideas, equipped to make your ceremony a highlight of your day for you and all your guests.

    So splurging just a little on an experienced and highly sought after Celebrant is easily do-able and highly recommended given the Celebrant can make or break your ceremony.

    Before contacting your potential Celebrant, do your research and read reviews (Google Reviews and Facebook Reviews are a great place to read reviews and comments). No one will describe the service you can expect to receive better than each Celebrants former clients.

    These questions should help mitigate the risk of any unwanted surprises and allow to your truly relax, knowing that you’re in the best of hands with your chosen Celebrant.

    1. Will I get to proof my ceremony wording before the wedding day, and if so when?

    It’s so important for couples to see, proof, edit and contribute to their ceremony wording for a number of reasons:

    • You know exactly what to expect on the day, in terms of how the ceremony flows, putting you at ease and allowing you to totally relax, connect with your partner and enjoy the timelessness of the moment.
    • You have the opportunity to make any changes and edits, ensuring the ceremony is reflective of you as a couple, has the right tone, tells your story in the right way and simply ‘feels right’.
    • There will be no unwanted or awkward ‘surprises’ on the day.
    • You can confirm or edit any pre or post wedding announcements that you need the Celebrant to make.
    • Last but certainly not least you can be assured that the Celebrant hasn’t got you mixed up with another couple and gets both your love story and your names correct!

    TOP TIP: Ask your Celebrant to email a draft of your ceremony for your review and ask them when you can expect to receive this.

    If possible, try and avoid having a Celebrant send you through your ceremony to review close to your wedding date. During the weeks and days leading up to your wedding, you will be busy getting all the little details finalised, and you could do without the extra task of confirming details and making edits, sat the last minute, so the earlier into the planning phase you can confirm and finalise your ceremony wording the better.

    2. I want to write my own vows but I don’t know where to start, how can you help?

    If writing special vows to each other is important to you, ask what assistance your celebrate can provide to help you write your own unique and highly personal vows to each other.

    3. Tell me about your PA System?

    One of the most common pet peeves you hear from guests is that they couldn’t hear the Celebrant or the beautiful vows the couples shared, so trust us when we say that a good quality PA system is an absolute must-have!

    DO ASK: Is it cordless? This will create a more seamless ceremony experience as well as eliminate any potential tripping hazards!

    DO ASK: Is it battery operated? A battery-operated PA system doesn’t require access to a power point and is ideal for an outdoor, park, garden or beach wedding where no power supply is available.

    There is so much to be said for a quality PA system, the leading brands used by Celebrants tend to be Mipro, Chiayo and Roland, and a good indication is its’ size.

    A small handbag sized PA system probably won’t project sound very far, particularly if you are planning on having an outdoor ceremony on a potentially windy day, e.g. a beach wedding, whereas a good size professional system on a stand will be a whole lot more effective.

    TOP TIP: Videographers and cinematographers also greatly appreciate a quality PA system that they can plug their recording device into and clearly capture all the audio of the ceremony.

    4.Can I use your PA System for my ceremony music?

    Many Celebrants will offer you the use of their PA system for your ceremony music. If so, check who will be responsible for taking care of the music on the day and what format you need to provide your chosen tracks on (Smartphone, iPod, MP3 etc.).

    TOP TIP: Save money on live ceremony music by utilising your Celebrants PA System for your ceremony music.

    5. What kind of insurance do you have?

    A fully compliant Celebrant will usually have:

    • Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance
    • Hold a copyright licence (to avoid breaching copyright when including printed readings or poems in ceremonies, even if the author is acknowledged)
    • Have a PA system that meets the legal requirements of the 2015 bandwidth changes


    6. In the event that you have an accident or become ill and are unable to perform the wedding, what arrangements do you have in place?

    Do they have a backup Celebrant in place in case of any unexpected emergencies that may prevent them from performing your ceremony on the day?

    7. What kind of outfit do you usually wear on the wedding day?

    Before you meet your potential Celebrant you can check their website and take a quick glance through their social media pages to get an idea of their usual wedding attire and outfit colours and see how well this suits your wedding.

    If your wedding has a black-tie dress code, let them know, or alternatively if it’s a casual and relaxed wedding without suit jackets also let them know so they can dress appropriately.

    8. Do you have any videos of you performing ceremonies that I can see?

    If the Celebrant has any video clips of them performing a ceremony, these are gold when it comes to doing your research, so we absolutely recommend watching them! They will give you a really great indication of what to expect.

    It is also a great way to not only see how they present themselves for a ceremony, but if they have the couple perfectly centred without their backs to the guests, if they appear to coordinate a smooth and seamless ceremony, if the couple look comfortable and if the tone that they present throughout the ceremony is appropriate and reflective of the exciting and happy celebration of love that a wedding is.

    9. Do you step to the side and out of camera shot for the all-important ‘first kiss as a married couple’?

    Occasionally this potentially-epic shot can be compromised by a ‘photo bombing’ Celebrant, so a little research (again on social media or website photos) or politely checking with them will ensure this special moment is captured perfectly.

    10. Do you provide vow cards and signing pens?

    These little details will be captured in your wedding photos, so ask them how they present the vows, are these printed on quality keepsake card and/ or presented on vow cards? What kind of signing pens do they offer? Again a little stalking of their website/ social media should reveal this for you and it’s a good opportunity to see if their style aligns with the style of your wedding. 

    Guest blog written by Jamie & Cara – Brisbane City Celebrants http://www.brisbanecitycelebrants.com.au Founders of Brisbane Celebrants Directory & Blog

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • The Story Behind Olive Rose Weddings

    How did you get into wedding planning?

    I first knew I wanted a career in the wedding industry when I first got engaged. I instantly fell in love with all the pretties, the expos, the pinteresting and all the amazing ideas and themes. During my engagement I completed my Certificate in Wedding Planning & Styling. The day after my wedding I knew I wanted to create my own wedding planning business to limit the stresses of future brides planning their own weddings. I completed my diploma and drove straight into the deep end.

    What kind of weddings and events can you arrange?

    Anything you can dream, I can create. Where there’s a will there’s always a way. I am very resourceful and can help you with ideas and strategies for any sort of DIY projects you wish to create or for the luxury brides I can source/hire the items to make your day the way to pictured.

    What’s the story behind your business name?

    People have asked me multiple times … Why Olive Rose? Or have just started calling me Olivia haha.

    ‘Olive’ is my Grandmother’s name and ‘Rose’ is the flower that remind me of her.

    My Grandma is incredibly important to me and naturally I wanted her to be at my own wedding. 3 months out from my wedding she had a stroke and was hospitalised and needed to learn how to walk and talk again. Basically, had to relearn everything we all take for granted. She worked so hard to get better to make it to the wedding but unfortunately had a set back the day before and couldn’t attend. Remarkably she has made a full recovery and is living in her own home once again.

    I named my business after her because even though she couldn’t make it to my wedding she will forever be with me to all the weddings that I plan and attend.


    What was your own wedding like?

    It was such an amazing day. So perfect and magical, I got to be a princess for a day which is everything I wanted (especially being such a Disney fan).

    We got married at the St Bernard Hotel in Mount Tamborine. I woke up the morning of our wedding and it was just bucketing down with rain. We were meant to have a garden ceremony overlooking the gully below, however the entire day it poured with rain. But being a ridiculously organised person, I always had a plan B. We decorated the reception marquee and wala a beautiful space to get married. It was so lovely with all the beautiful fairy lights it made it all that more magical.

    Sure you’re going to have a few hiccups on the day but it’s what you make with what you got that makes it an incredible day. My advice to brides to be is to not to worry about the small minor details and to just laugh off any hiccups or mistakes. I had my brother as the music guy all day and he stuffed everything up and it ended up being the funniest thing of the day. Cherish it, the day goes in a flash.

    Top 5 tips for a stress free wedding day

    • Be Prepared

    Make lists, create a Plan B for unexpected weather, create an emergency kit and have every piece of information in a binder where everyone in your bridal party knows about it. With these tools you will be on your way to a stress free wedding.

    • Hire a On the Day Coordinator

    So many couples think they can do it all on the day and that’s totally fine. But wouldn’t you rather be a guest at your wedding and not a staff member? By hiring an On the Day Coordinator they will take care of literally everything (coordinating the vendors, music, guest and those forgotten details) and all you need to do is just soak in all the awesomeness of being the centre of attention.

    • Don’t leave things to the last minute

    Don’t attempt to get all your beauty treatments (manicures, pedicures, hair, tan and waxing) done the morning of the wedding. By getting everything ahead of time saves you from the stresses if something goes wrong but also frees up your day to actually enjoy it with your girls and to create some really special memories.

    • Make sure someone in your bridal party knows how to strap you in and bustle your dress

    This comes in under being prepared but really needs its own section. No point on buying the most beautiful dress in the world and not having a single person that knows how to strap you in or bustle your dress after the ceremony. I suggest taking your mother and one of your bridesmaids to your fitting to learn how to do these 2 things. Don’t just rely on a safety pin and your girls knowledge of wedding dresses.

    • Be in the moment

    Just remember you can’t control everything! And if something goes wrong it’s not the end of the world and in most cases, can be fixed without any issues. But if something really bad goes wrong, well you’ll have a fantastic story to tell for years to come. If your smiling the whole world will smile with you. Have a fantastic day and just relax and enjoy all the things we take for granted because it’s your day to shine and sparkle. You deserve it.

    Happy planning, Janette x

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


    Sign up below to our mailing list!

    Don’t worry, we don’t spam. Unsubscribe at anytime. 🙂


  • Top 5 Reasons Why You Need a Wedding Planner



    The day flies by in a blink of an eye that you don’t have time to stress and worry about trivial things.


    Yes, you maybe thinking that a Wedding Planner is another expense however we are able to negotiate with vendors and setup up a budget if you aren’t the best with money management.


    You both work & you don’t want wedding planning to take over your lives or perhaps you are just not good at planning or get flustered easily. A Wedding Planner would relieve you of the stress knowing that your day will run smoothly.


    Forget to pay your bills on time or return a call or email a vendor? We are there to remind you of the things you didn’t even think of or forgot in all the chaos of life.


    Enjoy more of every moment of your engagement with your dream partner and less acting like a creature of the undead pulling your hair out over how much needs to be done. Your job is to look after yourself and create beautiful memories planning this special day for you both.

    Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • Top 5 tips for a stress free wedding day


    • Be Prepared

    Make lists, create a Plan B for unexpected weather, create an emergency kit and have every piece of information in a binder where everyone in your bridal party knows about it. With these tools you will be on your way to a stress free wedding.

    • Hire a On the Day Coordinator

    So many couples think they can do it all on the day and that’s totally fine. But wouldn’t you rather be a guest at your wedding and not a staff member? By hiring an On the Day Coordinator they will take care of literally everything (coordinating the vendors, music, guest and those forgotten details) and all you need to do is just soak in all the awesomeness of being the centre of attention.

    • Don’t leave things to the last minute

    Don’t attempt to get all your beauty treatments (manicures, pedicures, hair, tan and waxing) done the morning of the wedding. By getting everything ahead of time saves you from the stresses if something goes wrong but also frees up your day to actually enjoy it with your girls and to create some really special memories.

    • Make sure someone in your bridal party knows how to strap you in and bustle your dress

    This comes in under being prepared but really needs its own section. No point on buying the most beautiful dress in the world and not having a single person that knows how to strap you in or bustle your dress after the ceremony. I suggest taking your mother and one of your bridesmaids to your fitting to learn how to do these 2 things. Don’t just rely on a safety pin and your girls knowledge of wedding dresses.

    • Be in the moment

    Just remember you can’t control everything! And if something goes wrong it’s not the end of the world and in most cases, can be fixed without any issues. But if something really bad goes wrong, well you’ll have a fantastic story to tell for years to come. If your smiling the whole world will smile with you. Have a fantastic day and just relax and enjoy all the things we take for granted because it’s your day to shine and sparkle. You deserve it.

    Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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