
  • Planning a Wedding During Coronavirus COVID-19

    Planning a wedding during Coronavirus COVID-19.

    The wedding industry and what’s happening.

    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, lawyer or an expert in infectious diseases, nor do I claim to be an expert in Coronavirus COVID-19. All information regarding COVID-19 has been taken from the Australian Government Department of Health website. All information regarding weddings and events is my option based on my experience and expertise as a wedding and event planner. Olive Rose Weddings & Events shall not be held responsible for any changes made to an event after reading this post. To learn more about Coronavirus please visit: https://www.health.gov.au/

    Well then … where do I begin? I wanted to write this post firstly to provide couples getting married in 2020 with the tools to make the right decisions for their day. Secondly, I wanted to spread some calm into the industry and to show couples that us as vendors are here for you. Because all we want is to make your day the most perfect day and we will whatever we can to do that. So, let’s take a breath … (actually do it, I feel like we all need to chill) breath in and out. Ok I think we are ready.

    At this point in time (16/03/2020) the following statement in regard to the Coronavirus COVID-19 and events is as states:

    Australian Government Department of Health

    “Things to consider when organising public gatherings Events where a large number of people are in one place can increase the risk of transmission of viruses. If you are organising a gathering, consider whether you can postpone, reduce size/frequency or cancel the event. If you decide to go ahead, you should assess the risks and reconsider any aspect that may increase risk of transmission.

    From Monday 16 March, the Australian Government advises that non-essential gatherings should be limited to less than 500 people; and non-essential meetings of critical workforces such as healthcare workers and emergency service workers should be limited.”

    For more information about public gatherings, go to the information on public gatherings at https://www.health.gov.au/covid19-resources


    I have written this post on 16th March 2020 so please keep this in mind when reading as obviously things will change when more updates come through in the upcoming days/weeks.

    Let’s start by answering the most common questions I’ve had flooded into my inbox as of late.

    Should I cancel or postpone my wedding due to Coronavirus COVID-19?

    It’s hard to give a straight answer because each event is completely different and varies on a case to case basis. However, if you have come to the decision of either cancelling or postponing, I would definitely suggest considering postponing so as to not to loose your deposits made to your vendors. Below I have given my recommendations:

    I’m getting married in the next 8 weeks (from 16/03/2020)

    • Contact your wedding planner or coordinator to come up with a plan of attack, again each event is unique. Your planner will know the ins and outs of your day and you’ll be easily able to work out a Plan B. Start discussing possible postpone dates if necessary.
    • If you don’t have a wedding planner or coordinator get in contact with your venue coordinator first to see what they recommend and what rules and regulations have been put in place by the government for the venue.
    • Keep in mind your guest list, do you have overseas guests, what are their countries procedures, do you have a large number of guests attending.
    • Keep up to date with updated information via https://www.health.gov.au/

    During this time postponing might be the right option for you. Please don’t let this upset or stress you out this might actually put your mind at ease as you won’t have to be glued to the news 24/7 to see if your guests can attend or not.

    I’m getting marring in the next 9-16 weeks (from 16/03/2020)

    • Contact your wedding planner or coordinator to discuss a Plan B. At this point in time it’s great to have a Plan B in place so when your date gets a bit closer and you have more information to make an informed decision then your planner can put it into action with no problems at all. Best to wait until you have all the facts.
    • If you don’t have a wedding planner or coordinator get in contact with your venue coordinator first to see what they recommend and discuss a what if plan so that everyone is on the same page. Then again when you have all the information to make an informed decision get in contact to put your Plan B in place.
    • Keep in mind your guest list, do you have overseas guests, what are their countries procedures, do you have a large number of guests attending.
    • Keep up to date with updated information via https://www.health.gov.au/

    During this time creating a Plan B is best at this stage. Being prepared to make the call and discussing possible postpone dates might be the right option for you. Please don’t let this upset or stress you out. This is a precaution stage and being prepared is better than sitting on your hands and doing nothing.

    I’m getting married in the next 17+ weeks (from 16/03/2020)

    • At this stage it is way too early to be making any decisions. Best case is to touch base with your wedding planner or coordinator or venue coordinator to simply discuss a plan of attack moving forward. Hopefully by this stage it won’t be a contributing factor to your event but it’s never a bad idea to have a Plan B for your peace of mind.
    • Keep up to date with updated information via https://www.health.gov.au/

    Your Vendors

    The events industry at the moment with the Coronavirus COVID-19 is taking a massive hit. A lot of us vendors are scrambling to find out more information to protect ourselves and our small businesses. This does not mean that we will not go above and beyond for our clients. If anything, this will prove what lengths we will do for you. We all want the best for our clients and if postponing an event is the best option then we will assist in anyway.

    You have chosen, the most perfect amazing A-Team of vendors and they WILL do everything in their power to assist and ensure that everything will be magical for your day.

    What do I do if my vendors are sick or quarantined?

    Ask your vendors the question. Most if not all vendors should have a statement in their Terms and Conditions stating that for any reason that they are sick or are unable to make it on the day to your event that they will find the perfect someone to step in for them. Just ask your vendor what their procedure is.

    If your vendor is amazeballs they will know a handful of other amazeball vendors in their same niche as them that they would call on to help out and step in for them if for any reason they are sick with the Coronavirus COVID-19 or have to self-quarantine because of the virus. Any vendors that has this happen to them should be getting in contact with their clients ASAP to assist with a Plan B. Your vendors have your best interests at heart … they got you boo.

    I’m worried that my vendors may not have access to stock!

    Many people are indeed freaking out of levels of stock and imports from other countries like China for example. We’ve seem some crazy things happening in Coles & Woolworths and the great stockpiling of toilet paper. So it would be assumed that perhaps vendors might be finding it hard to get their hands on supplies.

    The easiest way to find out is to simply contact your vendor for an update on stock. They are the ones that will know and have a great idea of when things will arrive etc. 

    In most cases stock is produced in Australia so there’s no problems there. 

    From my own personal experience as of late the main things that are taking longer to arrive are gowns and dresses that are made / produced overseas as with some imported flowers. Flowers can be easily swapped out for others of a similar nature so contact your florist if you’re worried. 

    If you haven’t received your gown / dresses I would get in contact with your supplier to check on timings and deliveries. In most cases everything is on schedule but to ease your mind just give them a call. Your vendors are more than happy to chat. 

    My wedding is not until the end of the year will it all be over by then?

    Let me go consult my crystal ball … haha! I WISH I had all of the answers for you, I truly do. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones that may not have to do a thing in regards to postponing your wedding. But it can’t hurt to get in contact with your wedding planner to come up with a Plan B should things start to get hairy.

    Family & friends can’t make the trip overseas, how can they be involved on the day?

    If you are going ahead with your wedding (making sure it’s up to regulations etc) and unfortunately some overseas guests can’t make it think about perhaps having someone in charge that can run a live stream of the ceremony via Skype or Zoom for those loved ones that just simply can’t be there in person on your special day. This way those closest and dearest who maybe quarantined or can’t make it can still see the special moments in live time. Something to consider.

    I am so stressed and have no clue what to do?

    I feel you lovely, the Coronavirus COVID-19 has definitely left a lot of the world confused, scared and just plain crazy. All you can do is take it one day at a time. Keep up to date via https://www.health.gov.au/ as well as the News, media etc. But please don’t dwell on it. It’s not the end of the world and all of your vendors are here to talk to so that everything will be absolutely perfect.

    • Take a deep breath, send an email to your wedding planner and guaranteed you will feel instantly at ease.

    How should I update my guests that we have postponed our wedding

    Now you don’t have to go crazy and spend extra money creating new invitations. You can simply:

    • Get in contact with each person individually via phone and email
    • Send a group email
    • Post out little postponed date cards
    • Update your wedding website

    However, you decide to do it, it doesn’t have to be hard. Everyone will completely understand and to some extent be relieved that it’s postponed to a date that everyone can enjoy your special day to the fullest.

    Best practices for your guests and vendors for Coronavirus COVID-19

    Information found here – https://www.health.gov.au/

    Good Hygiene includes:

    • Covering your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue
    • Disposing of tissues properly
    • Washing your hands often with soap and water, including before and after eating and after going to the toilet
    • Using alcohol-based hand sanitisers
    • Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces
    • If you are sick, avoiding contact with others and staying more than 1.5 metres away from people

    Social Distancing

    One way to slow the spread of viruses is social distancing. For example:

    • Staying at home when you are unwell
    • Avoiding large public gatherings if they’re not essential
    • Keeping a distance of 1.5 metres between you and other people whenever possible
    • Minimising physical contact, especially with people at higher risk such as older people and people with existing health conditions

    Surgical Masks

    Surgical masks in the community are only helpful in preventing people who have coronavirus disease from spreading it to others.

    If you are well, you do not need to wear a surgical mask. There is little evidence that widespread use of surgical masks in healthy people prevents transmission in public.


    There is no vaccine for COVID-19, but there is one for the flu.

    You should get your flu shot when it’s available. Getting the flu and COVID-19 at the same time can make you very ill.

    Scientists from around the world are working on developing a vaccine. The World Health Organisation believes this may be available within 18 months.

    Coronavirus COVID-19 links

    More information on Coronavirus COVID-19

    For more information about reducing the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, go to https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/getting-workplace-ready-for-covid-19.pdf  

    For the latest advice, information and resources, go to https://www.health.gov.au  Call the National Coronavirus Help Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.  

    The phone number of your state or territory public health agency is available at https://www.health.gov.au/state-territory-contacts

    If you have concerns about your health, speak to your doctor.


    I just want to say that I have complete sympathise with every single one of you. The unknown is scary but just remember that you have hired an AMAZING team of vendors that all have your backs. We are your little army to protect your magical day and we will do everything we possibly can to make it the best day of your life.

    If I am to leave you with just one thing that is to not to panic, chat with your wedding planner and vendors and create a Coronavirus COVID-19 Plan B to put your mind at ease. The best thing you can do is make calm and collective decisions and move forward with the best possible option. The wedding industry is a beautiful community filled with amazing people and we will do anything for you. Just remember that.

    Best of luck with all your wedding planning adventures.

    Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • How to Decide Who to Invite to Your Wedding

    Having a few hiccups deciding who to invite to your wedding? Whether it be your parents that are insisting you invite their friends or your partner that’s wanting to invite people you haven’t even met keep reading to see how you can cull your guest list whilst keeping everyone happy.

    When it comes to planning your wedding the best way to easily keep costs down is to have fewer guests. Makes sense, right?! But how exactly do you cull a list that’s 6 foot long?


    Physically write down a list.

    Yes! Write it down. Trust me, when it comes to lists just write it down, it makes it a hell of a lot easier. Now when I say write a list, I don’t just mean write names willie nillie everywhere. Let’s categorise it. Get your partner to write a list of their family and friends and you yourself write a separate list of your family and friends. If need be ask both parents as well who they would like you to invite. Now that you have your lists let’s start the culling process and decide who to invite to your wedding. 😉

    Hands writing notes | Olive Rose Weddings & Events


    Deciding on a Kid or Kid Free event.

    Another way of culling your list is choosing to have a kid free event. Most couples opt for this choice anyways as it allows their guests to truly enjoy themselves rather than making sure little Johnny doesn’t crash into the cake. Haha. This also weeds out the guests that can’t be bothered finding a babysitter (even with a years notice) … harsh but true.

    Kid in super hero cape | Olive Rose Weddings & Events


    Make invite rules.

    What I mean is with your partner agree upon rules for which people make it to the guest list. The rules are completely up to each couple to decide on. Example of rules such as ‘Has both parties met this guest’, ‘When was the last time you saw the guest’, etc. Once you have created these rules you can start crossing off people that these rules do or don’t apply too. Anyone that passes these rules write them on the Guest List. You can go after this as well with a fine-tooth comb and do a second culling if you wish. 😊

    Make invite rules | Olive Rose Weddings & Events


    Have a mid week wedding.

    Now this trick works a treat for weeding out RSVP’s. So, you have a small list of people you still sort of need to invite to be nice. (We all have that list). The answer is to have a mid-week wedding! Number one, mid week weddings are generally cheaper as they aren’t as popular as weekends, so venues and vendors are generally pretty good with giving a cheaper rate. And number two, this gets rid of the people that you’ve invited however couldn’t be bothered to organise a day or two off. (And yes, with plenty of notice to do so). Works a treat. It’s a win win really. 😉

    Have a mid week wedding | Olive Rose Weddings & Events


    Follow these super easy steps to getting your guest list down to suit you both. So now you know how to decide who to invite to your wedding. YAY! 


    Happy planning. Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell | Olive Rose Weddings & Events



    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • Top 3 Questions Wedding Photographers Get Asked

    So, I’ve found all my vendors, now what?


    The wedding cake is eaten, the booze is gone, and your feet hurt from dancing… But what is left remaining are your photographic memories! So, to ensure these piccy’s are perfect in every way, let’s just take a second to talk about 3 of the main questions I get asked as a photographer!

    “My lover and I don’t really like photo’s being taken. Do we have to make photo’s a big deal?”

    Sweet! Not totally into photo’s? That’s cool! The one thing I suggest doing is googling what time the sun sets on your day and we will work backwards from there. Therefore if you’re not totally into photo’s then you want to make sure that the photo’s your wedding photographers do take are at the perfect time (while you are at it, google golden hour photo’s, you’re welcome).

    We want to be out taking photo’s at least 30 mins before that time of the sunset. But also remember that other factors may come into play, is it raining? Are you in a forest getting married? Is there a storm about to roll in?

    Here, lemme show you what I mean …

    Golden Hour Bride & Groom

    Photo Credit: Smile Darling Photography

    This glorious couple were getting married for the second time around, while photos were still important to them, hanging out with their guests came first! So because of this, we got to sneak out just before sunset to capture them a few WOW photos for the albums and walls (and thank you cards, duh!).


    “What’s the best time to get married? I want to have lots of time to greet my guests but also not feel rushed for my photo’s either”. 

    Yep! Yuck, I hate feeling rushed… But, let me talk about a few factors that come into play if you decide to have your wedding in the middle of the day/early afternoon  (10am -2pm).

    • I mean, I’m pretty good at photoshop, but I can’t edit out squinting from the sun.
    • Is it summer? #aussiesummer #itsanofromme – Think of yourself! You are going to feel hot and sweaty outside.
    • How long do you really want to be taking photo’s for anyway?
    • If photos are important to you that you want ‘lots of time for’ then you want to make sure they are in some beautiful sun, not harsh!

    Good wedding photographers don’t need hours of your time to take good photo’s! Therefore depending on the weather/time of the year I think any wedding photographer will agree that if they could grab you for an hour of your time around the 4pm mark, we are stoked! Because any more time then an hour is a bonus for us, you will be surprised as how much we can do in an hour!

    Below I have placed an image of a photo taken in the early afternoon! Unfortunately, I can’t photoshop your squinting from the sun, I wish though! Its always best to say your I do’s in the afternoon or EARLY morning!

    Groom wearing a hat and best man

    Photo Credit: Smile Darling Photography


    “What if it’s raining on my wedding day? And what if we don’t get that golden hour light we were planning on?”

    Let me let you in on a little secret, raining photos/cloudy photos are even BETTER! If you are willing to get out with an umbrella (if it’s raining) I am more then stoked to capture some fun in the rain! It might not be totally ideal, but stuff it, you only get married once and they say its good luck! If it’s too dramatically pouring with rain and you don’t feel comfortable – We can talk about an undercover option for your photos AND we can also take some sweet, romantic night-time images. Your wedding photographers would need know more then 5 mins out in the weather to take some super beautiful images for your wall and album!

    But I don’t think my words can do rain images justice… Let me show you what I mean.

    Silhouette bride and groom, rainbow sunset

    Photo Credit: Smile Darling Photography

    After every storm comes a beautiful rainbow…Golden hour ain’t got nothing on this.


    Bride and groom with bridal party in the rain

    Photo Credit: Smile Darling Photography

     Let’s just embrace the weather, it will be even better than golden hour and we can have a whole lot of fun…Just like these guys!


    Remember you only get married once; your images are going to be so much better if you forget there is even images being taken! Relaxed, documentary images as your day unfold are the BEST!


    Written by Mary Miller | Smile Darling Photography


    Mary Miller, Smile Darling PhotographySmile Darling Photography Logo


    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • How to Keep Your Guests Cool in Summer

    Dreaming of an outdoors Summer wedding? Let’s have a chat about how to keep your wedding guests cool in Summer. Summer is only just around the corner and if you live in Australia like me, well it’s pretty much Summer all year round. And because of that the last thing you want is for yourselves and your guests to be uncomfortably sweaty, dehydrated and just plain hot and bothered.

    So, here are some fun ideas to keep everyone happy during your beautiful Summer wedding.


    This might be an easy to figure out, logical thing to do. However, the number of Summer weddings that forget to put out cold drinks at their ceremony is just crazy. Especially for an Australian wedding. Sure, they have perhaps some beer and wine after the ceremony, but you need to remember that your guests arrive 30 minutes to an hour prior to your ceremony even starting. Therefore, have chilled bottles of water in ice buckets ready for when your guests arrive. This will be a live saver for a Summer wedding, trust me!

    Cold drinks



    For an outdoors Summer wedding shade is a MUST. When inspecting venues check out what sort of shade or covers, they have to offer your guests before and after the ceremony. If your heart is set on a particular venue and your guests don’t have any access to shade at the ceremony, consider hiring some large café style umbrellas and setup a cocktail hour nearby. Or if huge umbrellas aren’t your style look into some cute paper parasols for your guests. I will suggest that perhaps for the ceremony, at least for the time your guests are sitting down don’t have the parasols up as this blocks the view of the other guests as well as from you and your partner seeing everyone’s smiling faces. Just a note. You can get your celebrant to announce to guests to put them down during the ceremony.

    canopy trees - shade



    Fans are a cute way of keeping your guests cool in Summer. They also don’t obstruct anyone’s view and don’t make any noise. Woohoo. A great idea is to utilise your fans and make them into your programs for the day. Print out your timeline onto the fans it’s always a hit with the guests.

    handheld fan



    Because there’s nothing quite as refreshing as an ice-cream on a hot Summers day. Why not hire an ice-cream cart or van for your Summer wedding cocktail hour! It’s always a huge hit with the guests and will keep everyone as cool as a cucumber.

    2 ice-cream cones



    Provide a basket of fun sunglasses for your guests to wear. Personally, I think this is a fantastic idea, especially the fun, crazy sunglasses for your Summer wedding. Shields your guests’ eyes from the sun and at the same time creating amazing photos for you to cherish. Weddings that I’ve been to that have done this truly have some cracking photos and the guests have a ball with them. Definitely a must in my opinion. 

    pineapple with sunglasses



    Having a cool down station at your Summer wedding is the best idea. You can stock it with so many fun and useful things such as sunscreen, bug spray, chilled towels, thongs, cold water in spray bottles for some refreshing cold mist. The options are endless, have some fun with it.

    lemon in water jug


    By applying my Summer wedding tips to your day your guests will thank you and you’ll be the talk of the town. Because with all of these fun Summer wedding ideas to keep your guests cool, your guests will have a fantastic time and you’ll have the BEST DAY EVER!


    Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • How to Keep Your Guests Warm in Winter

    Thinking of having a Winter wedding? It’s a beautiful time of year and especially in Australia, there’s less storms and no chance of sweating off your makeup or in your suit jackets. As it’s increasingly getting more popular to have weddings outdoors, I have listed below my 8 tips to keep your guests warm in winter!


    The first and best thing you can do is give your guests as much information and warning as possible. Include in your invitation a little ‘Stay Warm’ Information card. Let your guests know if you’re having an outdoors / marquee wedding and tell them to bring a warm jacket as well as provide any information of ways you’ll be able to keep them warm. For example, that you’ll have hot beverages and blankets on hand throughout the night. This is particularly important for your older guests (grandparents) who will get chilly very quickly.

    Pug in a blanket


    Use cute cosy details to decorate your space. Have rolled up blankets in a basket for guests to use during the evening. NOTE: I would recommend laying out a blanket on each elderly person’s chairs so as they are guaranteed a blanket (they will need it).

    You could also have your wedding favours as hot chocolate sachets or perhaps small bottles of hot sauce if you both are into spicy foods. Have fun with the season theming and use it to your advantage to create a beautiful warm setting for your guests.  


    Creating a hot beverage station is the perfect way to keep your guests warm in winter. Have different flavours and add ins on hand so that they can create their own style of drink. This entertains your guests as well as warm them up.

    hot chocolate station


    If you are having a marquee or tipi style reception, I highly recommend you look into a few gas heaters. By placing these inside and at entrances of the marquee or tipi it will keep the warm air inside. Most wedding hire companies have these on hand to hire out with gas bottles and will set it all up and the only thing you or preferably your wedding coordinator will need to do is turn them on.


    Those of you getting married on a large property will most likely have the option to hire fire pits. Or if you’re lucky they already have an inbuilt fire pit for you to use. Most couples love to use these nearing the end of the night for the night owl guests who love a good party. I don’t know one single person who doesn’t love roasting marshmallows on the fire and chatting about life and most of all how amazing your wedding has been.  Perfect way to keep your guests warm in winter.

    fire pit on a property


    Another way to keep your guests warm in winter is to serve beautiful hot winter comfort food at your reception. Whether it be a slow cooked roast or a dish you enjoyed growing up with. People love comfort food especially when it’s cold. Serve your guest something warm to fill their bellies.


    Instead of the traditional wedding cake perhaps think of serving a beautiful warm dessert such as sticky date pudding, apple crumble or pie. No one could say no to a warm pudding for dessert that’s for sure. Mmmmmm yum!

    warm desserts + brownie


    One way to warm up your guests in winter is to have a whisky bar, that’ll warm up their souls nicely. These bars are getting ever so popular at weddings as people love the idea. You can either have it setup as a self-service area for your guests or hire a bar staff member to pour and monitor the whisky levels so that some people don’t get too greedy before others have had a chance to try some.

    Jack Daniel's whiskey in a glass

    If you do decide to have a winter wedding remember to have at least 2 ways guests can keep warm during the winter night. And to ensure your older guests are snug as a bug.

    Happy planning, Janette. Xx

    Written by Janette Newell | Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • 3 Reasons to tie the knot on a boat

    So, you’re on the hunt for the perfect wedding venue, you love the beach wedding idea but hate sand because yep it just gets everywhere! And you’re wanting to be able to wear those amazing heels that you found on Pinterest right?!. I feel your pain. So I have the perfect win win solution for you because have you thought about tying the knot on a boat?

    So incredibly simple and elegant but more so than often boats get overlooked and forgotten as a beautiful wedding venue. Here are my top 3 reasons you should tie the knot on a boat.

    Tying the Knot on a Boat | Luxury Yacht Wedding | Females | Love is Love

    1. Perfect for small intimate weddings

    One of the wedding ‘trends’ at the moment is an increase of smaller intimate weddings being held. Number one, it’s cheaper. The less guests you invite, the less food, stationery and equipment, etc you need to hire. Tying the knot on a boat significantly limits how many people you can invite as they have strict regulations to how many people can safely be aboard the boat. And this also give you an excuse to give those guests who you didn’t invite. 😉 And number two, couples are not wanting either people they don’t know at their wedding or wanting to be spending all day and night going around saying hello to everyone and not actually having the time to enjoy themselves and each other.

    Tying the Knot on a Boat | Luxury Yacht Wedding | Love is Love

    2. Creating a memorable unique experience

    As boats and yachts are generally overlooked by tying the knot on a boat creates an incredible and memorable unique experience for your guests that they will be talking for years to come. That’s the main reason isn’t it … you want to impress the pants off your friends and family and to be truly proud of the event you’ve planned. Imagine cruising down the river with gorgeous skyline views, and now wouldn’t that make for perfect photos and a stunning highlights film with magical sunsets.

    Tying the Knot on a Boat | Luxury Yacht Wedding | Styled Table | Love is Love

    3. Live out your Titanic dream

    The great thing about tying the knot on a boat is that you’ve already picked your wedding theme without lifting a finger. The nautical theme. Grab some inspiration for your wedding photography from the Titanic and recreate that stunning scene on the bow of the ship. Also think about getting a beautiful veil or my favourite a gorgeous bridal cape!!! How amazing would that look floating in the wind behind you.

    Tying the Knot on a Boat | Luxury Yacht Wedding | Gay | Love is Love

    If you’re needing some inspiration check out the styled shoot I created with 3 real couples on a gorgeous luxury yacht. There’s so many ideas and amazing opportunities when it comes to a tying the knot on a boat. Think of unique ways to make an entrance/exit, styling and all the gorgeous things that come with planning a wedding. Most of all think about your wedding team, who will go the lengths to create an amazing day for you and your fiancé and will fit in nicely with you and your guests.

    Check out my beautiful team below that helped my create the luxury yacht shoot.

    Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell | Olive Rose Weddings & Events



    Planner / Stylist: Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    Yacht: Waterline Charters (Patriot 1)

    Photography: Renee Brazel Photography

    Cake: Cake My Day By Jo

    Gowns: Jordanna Regan Couture

    Suits: Black Jacket Suiting

    Florist: Miss Popsy

    Videographer: Mcleish Film & Media

    Stationery: The Rustic at Heart

    Jewellery: Wendy Louise Designs

    Hair & Makeup: Beauty By Bliss

    Mr & Mrs: Shamika Vilches & Joseph Muller

    Mrs & Mrs: Skye Ronan & Jayde Purnell

    Mr & Mr: Paul Morgan & Bryden Graham

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • How to Create a Disney Princess Wedding Without Being Tacky

    We have all dreamed of a fairy tale wedding, the horse drawn carriage, beautiful settings and romantic lighting for days. I have definitely noticed an increased demand for themed weddings such as Disney and or movie related theming’s. Must be because of all of us 90’s babies coming through haha.

    As much as I love everything about a Disney themed wedding too much of a good thing can seriously clash and look tacky and not put together. What we are after is subtle touches to create a mood, a romantic atmosphere, which means a little less reception tables lined with figurines and collectables.

    Sure, it’s completely up to the couple themselves and if that’s what they like by all means go ahead. No judging here. But what I want to show you is that there’s so many beautiful ways to implement your favourite Disney movie into your special day to truly wow your guests because it’s that what we all want … to be the talk of the town. 😉 

    Let’s get rid of the tackiness and replace it with captivating displays and settings that would make Walt Disney proud. 😉

    Let me show you one of my recent styled shoots where I brought the elements of Disney film Tangled into a romantic wedding setting. By using beautifully subtle touches of the film as elements and small details that can either be noticed by an obsessed Disney fan or be overlooked and seen as gorgeous small details of a romantic wedding setting.

    The vision I wanted to create is where a couple can achieve both, have their Disney wedding without the tackiness. And use the key elements of the movie in subtle ways to achieve an elegant romantic setting.

    1. Elements

    First thing that you’re wanting to do is figure out what elements are the highlights of the Disney movie. For example, my Tangled shoot. The elements I wanted to capture was wild overgrown landscapes, long blonde braided hair, tiara, refined royalty, elegance, lanterns as well as her signature purple and gold colourings.

    List as many elements as you can think of and then choose only a couple to work with. Less is always more. Because the more you try to cram in every single element the harder it is to pull it all together.

    1. Incorporate

    Meaning, how are you going to show off these elements in your wedding, remembering subtle touches are key. Because I wanted to capture both the overgrown and refined royalty elements, I spilt them up. The overgrown landscapes became the theming for the ceremony setting, whilst the refined royalty / elegance elements were the theming for the reception. Note, that you don’t have to shove every single element into all aspects of the day. Simple is best.

    You can see the overgrown elements of the ceremony being the floral ceremony arbour and the bouquet (representing the vines grown around the tower). And at the same time, we chose our ceremony location on top of a mountain surrounded by rain forests. A little tip, choose your venue with your theming in mind, as it will make is easier for you to pull together your vision.

    My reception styled table just oozes elegance with our crisp white stationery with gold foiling and the brass candlesticks and beautifully arranged florals. Fit for a princess. We also did keep a little overgrown element with our stunning cake for our tower.

    1. All tied up

    Now that you have figured out what elements you wish to incorporate into your wedding setting it’s now time for the hardest part, pulling it all together. Making sure everything you’re adding to the setting has a purpose and seamlessly blends in. We managed to get printed on top of the chocolate boxes the sun pattern and the quote ‘You are my new dream’ from the Disney movie. As generally this would be one of those ‘tacky’ features we had it printed in gold foil to match the stationery and made sure the writing and the boxes weren’t huge that it took over the table.

    Because they matched the stationery perfectly, they blended into the whole setting with zero effort. Most of your guests probably wouldn’t even realise that it’s a quote from the Tangled Disney movie. And this is exactly the effect you want. Disney nerds and obsessed fans will pick this up straight away (and obviously love it) and the other weirdos that don’t like Disney so much will love it as well because it’s gorgeous and doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb. That’s a win in my books. 😉

    See below for more gorgeous pictures of our shoot.


    Also, just a side note. Picking the perfect team is literally the make or break for an amazing event. Without the right people to take on your vision, your vision won’t be everything you hoped it would be. I could not have pulled it off without this absolutely amazing team! Check out my team below.

    Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    Planner / Stylist: Olive Rose Weddings & Events
    Venue: Binna Burra Lodge
    Photographer: Heather & Blooms
    Cake: The Sweet Society Co
    Florist: Bumble & Bloom
    Chocolates: Little Cocoa
    H&MU: Makeup & Me
    Gown: Goddess By Nature
    Suit: Black Jacket Suiting
    Stationery: Invitation Designs by Eliza
    Jewellery: Wendy Louise Designs
    Rings: Love Lara Jewellery
    Bride Model: Lauren Walton
    Groom Model: Connor Baxter
    Hexagon Arbour: Cali Collection Hire

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for me FREE downloadable checklists. 


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  • How to Create a Beauty & the Beast Styled Wedding

    Wanting a Beauty and the Beast wedding but not sure how to go about it whilst avoiding the tacky yellow and blue situation? We got you. 😉

    My vision for our stunning Beauty and the Beast wedding inspired styled shoot was to show couples that you can have your thirst for all things Disney quenched whilst creating a gorgeous romantic setting that will WOW your guests. What I wanted to do was add in subtle aspects of the classic Disney film which would completely stand out to any Disney nerd but at the same time wouldn’t scream out ‘oh my god what the hell is this’ to the other freaks out there that don’t like Disney. Haha. Essentially satisfying both parties in case your better half isn’t quite the Disney obsessed fan as yourself. It’s a win win! YAY! Beauty & the Beast Wedding decided! 

    Let me show you how I created this STUNNING Beauty & the Beast wedding setting by incorporating distinct elements.

    Step 1 – Identify and list the distinct Beauty and the Beast Wedding elements.

    Beauty & the Beast Styled Shoot | Olive Rose Weddings & EventsThese are the main elements of the movie, which could be characters, themes, items, etc. Below is my list that I used to bring my vision to life.

    • Roses
    • Books
    • Candelabra
    • Clock
    • Tea pot / Teacup
    • Princess / Beast
    • Wooden Finishes
    • Mirror
    • ‘Try the grey stuff it’s delicious’
    • ‘Be our guest’
    • Ball room / First Dance
    • Fairy-tale/ Magical / Palace Garden
    • Winter turning to Spring

    Step 2 – Think of ways you can incorporate these elements into your settings.

    Note: You don’t have to use every single item that you’ve listed. The more elements to try to include the more difficult it becomes to pull everything together to create an amazing style. Simple is always best. What I did was that I used a couple of the above listed into different aspects of the day. For example, I didn’t use any roses in my reception styled table … although very tempted, less is always more. In my floral arrangements I wanted to incorporate the Winter turning into Spring element. So, I used dried cotton and grasses as a background for my fresh flowers and greenery. You could literally interpret it in so many ways and this is what I absolutely love about subtle details.

    Step 3 – Break up the day into sections and decide what elements fit best into these categories.

    This is how I broke up how I would incorporate the elements.

    Getting ready, Ceremony, Romantic Setting / Photo opportunity, Reception.

    Getting ready: Gown, Navy Suit, Jewellery, Accessories

    Ceremony: Winter turning to spring, Roses, Magical Palace Garden

    Romantic Setting / Photo Opportunities: Candelabra, Books, Roses, Magical Romance, Walking off into the sunset, And they lived happily ever after.

    Reception: Candelabra, Books, Tea Set, Clock, Elegance, Wooden finishes, Ballroom, Try the grey stuff it’s delicious.

    Step 4 – Figure out what to use to represent your elements.

    I could spend alllll day listing how I incorporated everything into the styled shoot but see if you can spot them in the beautiful photographs. I will however for you break down my reception table, to show how you can include ‘hidden elements’ or ‘hidden mickeys’ if you will, that to the untrained eye will just look like a beautifully styled table. But 

    that’s what you want, you want only a couple of details that anyone can pick and then some more in depth elements 

    for the obsessed fans. 😉

    Reception table break down.

    Candelabra = Lumiere  

    Miniature brass tea set = Mrs Pots, Chip and friends

    Old style books = Library, Belle’s obsession with reading

    Grey Plates = Try the grey stuff it’s delicious

    Deep wine napkins = Red roses

    Wooden menu and placings = Wooden elements

    Lanterns, candles, lux champagne long runner, silver cutlery, white tablecloth = Other stylings to tie it all together for an elegant romantic setting

    Did you see my hidden mickeys with the grey plates and wine napkins?

    Step 5 – Tying it all together.

    You want to create a story to which unfolds to your guests at each setting they get brought to throughout the day. Although they may not recognise each element the vibe and atmosphere of the day will do the rest. A big must is beautiful instrumental music whilst your guests wait for you and your bridal party to arrive to the ceremony. Little things like this truly ties it all together in one big bow. Click the video below to see how we tied it all together.

    If you follow my steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating the most beautiful wedding and one for that matter that your guest will be talking about for years to come. #nailedit

    If you’re wanting to see more photographs of my Beauty and the Beast Wedding shoot head on over to my Instagram feed and click on my ‘Shoot’ highlights. Click here to head on over.


    Also, just a side note. Picking the perfect team is literally the make or break for an amazing event. Without the right people to take on your vision, your vision won’t be everything you hoped it would be. Could not have pulled it off without this absolutely amazing team! Check out my team below.

    Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell | Olive Rose Weddings & Events 

    Credits to my beautiful A-Team

    Planner/Stylist: Olive Rose Weddings & Events
    Venue: Glengariff Historic Estate
    Photographer: Jess Took This
    Videographer: Forever Features Film
    Cake: The Sweet Society Co.
    Ceremony Décor: Brisbane Wedding Decorators
    Celebrant: Brisbane City Celebrants
    H&MU: Shannon Hope Makeup Artist
    Gown: Goddess By Nature
    Suit: Black Jacket Suiting
    Stationery: The Rustic at Heart
    Jewellery: Wendy Louise Designs
    Gold Rose: Eternal Bloom
    Bride Model: Shauni Leigh
    Groom Model: Matthan Turnquest

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists.


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  • Why you MUST have a Wedding Day Plan B!

    When planning your wedding it is absolutely crucial to have a Wedding Day Plan B. A plan of attack when Plan A fails. My favourite moto is ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail ~ Benjamin Franklin’ and it’s so true. If you don’t make the effort to plan ahead then you’ll end up with a whole lot of sadness if/when things go wrong.

    Now having a Wedding Day Plan B doesn’t necessarily always have to be about wet weather. ALTHOUGH you MUST always have a wet weather plan. You can have Plan B’s for all aspects of your wedding that you feel might change due to weather or other circumstances. I’ll give you an example. 😉

    And away we go.

    I had a couple wanting to get married at a particular spot on the beach. Now the first question I asked was what’s your wet weather plan? There venue is very close by and agreed if we are in for some wet weather we will have the ceremony at the venue. Done, perfect. Here comes my other questions…. A lot of council spots where you can get married you can book through the council so that you are guaranteed that spot for a couple of hours. In this instance this spot allowed for ceremonies however you could not book the spot. Whereas they just have a first in best dressed situation.

    So here comes another Wedding Day Plan B should another couple ‘get there first’. Therefore, we decided to get there early and put up signs so that the public knew what was going on and then we also chose another spot along the beach should someone get there before we did.

    Why do I need a Wedding Day Plan B?

    These plans are put in place so that on your wedding day your vendors aren’t panicking and contacting you what to do. This is why also having a Wedding Planner or On the Day Coordinator comes in handy. They will go through and help you create any back up plans prior to the day and then they will be the first point in contact for your vendors and be the ones to action your plans.  The last thing you’d want to be doing on your wedding day is taking multiple stressful calls from your vendors.

    So not all Wedding Day Plan B’s are weather related however generally most are. But if you can think of something that can go wrong with your Plan A always, always, always, have a Plan B. You’d rather have a Plan B that you don’t use than no Plan B at all.

    Make Plan B Amazing!

    Now what I also wanted to say … Wedding Day Plan B’s always gets the wrap for being ‘not as good’ as Plan A. But what if you created your Plan B as amazing as Plan A??!! Then you wouldn’t have any disappointments on the day. Amazing right!!!!

    There have been so many instants where Wedding Day Plan B’s have been wayyy better than Plan A. Myself included. It absolutely pelted down with rain on my wedding day. We were meant to have an outdoors wedding on top of a mountain, but instead setup inside the venue. It was soooo beautiful and magical as the venue had a huge clear window that looked down the mountain and was covered with mystical fog and fairy lights. BEAUTIFUL! I’m glad it rained. P.S Rain makes for amaaazzzzing photos. So don’t ever stress about the weather … as long as you have an amazing Wedding Day Plan B in place just roll with the punches. It’ll be perfect.

    Click the link below to view my video about Plan B’s.


    Written by Janette Newell Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    Photography by Jess Took This 

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists. 


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  • What’s in my bag? Wedding Emergency Kit

    As organisation is my middle name it’s natural for me to be super prepared for any situation. No matter how well your planning skills are something completely out of your control ALWAYS happens. This is part of my role as a Wedding Planner / Coordinator, I’m there to snuff out the fires before they get out of control, I get my super problem-solving skills on and get it done so that people are none the wiser.

    Hence my Wedding Day Emergency Kit. This small suitcase is taken with me to any event I do to #1 hold my crap and #2 defuse any unexpected situations that may arise. No matter how big or small the problem is generally the answer always lies in my Mary Poppins bag of tricks.

    So lets go on a little walk through of what exactly I like to have on hand for my events.


    The inside pocket is where I like to keep the items that get used the most for quick and easy access.

    Generally, all of these items get shoved into my apron pockets so if any needs something it’s generally here instead of me running to and from my bag of tricks every 2 seconds.

    So Inside Pocket contains:

    • My Olive Rose Weddings Apron
    • Tissues
    • Pen
    • Mints
    • Deodorant
    • Business cards (People always ask at the most random times haha)
    • Lighter (Gotta keep those candles burning)

    Now if you haven’t discovered packing cubes, then my friend you are missing out on extra space and just organisation sanity. These cubes may not seem like they would do much BUT they have magical powers where as if I didn’t have them I wouldn’t be able to zip the suitcase up. Thanks to my 3 packing cubes everything fits. Don’t ask me how they just do. Go get some! I bought 9 on ebay for $20 and I only needed 3. Winning!!!

    So let’s discuss the cubes. I have 3 cubes with 3 categories.

    1. General event supplies that get used all the time
    2. Personal use items / products and first aid
    3. Cleaning and Miscellaneous


    These are all my items that I pretty much use at every event. All packed together nicely so that it couldn’t be easier for me to just grab the cube and go.

    • 4 Extra lighters (You never know when you’ll have extra helping hands or that you just simply run out)
    • Extra long matches (For those times that all your lighters have ran out haha)
    • Pens
    • Sticky tape
    • Post it notes
    • Sewing kit
    • Twine
    • Super Glue
    • Measuring tape
    • Velcro
    • Emergency Poncho
    • Scissors
    • Blu Tac
    • Permanent markers
    • Bottle opener
    • USB
    • Zip ties
    • Florist shears
    • Torch


    These are items that may not get used at every event but you would be mad not that have them on hand. You just never know!!!

    • More tissues
    • First Aid Kit
    • Panadol
    • Hay fever tablets
    • Lint roller
    • Sunscreen
    • Insect repellent
    • Grooming kit
    • Feminine hygiene products
    • Shampoo and conditioner
    • Soap
    • Nail polish remover
    • Floss
    • Mouth wash
    • Hand sanitiser
    • Compact mirror
    • Comb
    • Moisturiser


    These items are for tidying up before and during the event as well as a couple of random things. 😉

    • Squeegee (For those rainy days)
    • Garbage bags
    • Zip lock bags
    • Gloves
    • Multi purpose wipes
    • Chux cloths
    • Glass cleaner
    • Air freshener
    • Facial wipes
    • Another emergency poncho
    • Rubber bands
    • Batteries
    • More matches
    • Safety pins
    • Hair ties / bobby pins
    • Cotton balls
    • Earring stud backings
    • Fashion tape

    And now when you think nothing else could possibly fit in this tiny suitcase … under all of that is a 10m extension cord.

    All of the items above are necessary for being prepared for anything. They may not all get used but every event is different, and you just don’t know what the day will throw at you. Most if not all Planners / Coordinators will have some sort of Emergency Kit like this so before you go crazy and go all out purchasing your own just check with them what they have. You might as well utilise their organisational skills. 😉

    If you would like to see more click the link below to watch the video of me going through my bag.


    Happy planning, Janette xx

    Written by Janette Newell I Olive Rose Weddings & Events

    I help couples plan, organise & create the wedding of their dreams. Feel free to look around my website, & keep an eye out for my FREE downloadable checklists. 


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